How to look after your spider plants

How much should you water a spider plant?
Spider plants will tolerate bouts of dry soil and can also cope with soil that is too damp, however although it is a hardy species, it is best to keep a regular watering schedule to maintain a consistent level of lightly damp compost.
Consistent overwatering can lead to root rot and ultimately could kill your spider plant, so test the moisture levels by inserting your finger or a pencil into the top two inches of the soil before every water. If this is still moist, there’s no need to water! If the soil is dry beyond the top layer, aerate the soil to allow for an even distribution of water, again using something like your finger or a pencil. We recommend traditional watering using tepid water, or water from the bottom if your pot has drainage holes.
If the ends of leaves do begin to turn a little brown and crispy, simply snip them off and give it a light spritz of tepid water every once in a while.
During growing season, we recommend using a houseplant feed like Baby Bio® Organic Houseplant Food once a month to ensure it is still getting all of the nutrients it needs to survive the season.

Where is the best place to put them in your home?
Spider plants are low-maintenance plants – it doesn’t need much watering or much sunlight to thrive – making it perfect for pretty much anywhere in the home and great for beginners or busy plant parents. Spider plants are also non-toxic to pets, so you don’t need to worry about placing it out of reach of curious cats or dogs!
Its luscious long variegated leaves cascade over the side of its pot and look beautiful when hung from ceilings or when placed in elevated pots. This not only creates an attractive addition to your interiors, but also prevents leaves from being damaged or from pulling over pots.
As spider plants can survive in lower levels of light, the bathroom or hallway is a great place to put your plant. Bedrooms also make a great home for the spider plant, as it has air cleansing properties so can help you get a better nights sleep removing toxins from the environment!

How much sunlight does a spider plant need?
Spider plants tolerate most light conditions and will do just fine in darker rooms or shady corners, although its growth rate might be slower than if placed in brighter light. For maximum growth and vibrant ribbon leaves, its ideal conditions are medium, indirect sunlight. Just make sure you avoid direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves.
What is the best type of soil for a spider plant?
Spider plants can grow in most soil types, but generally speaking an all-purpose houseplant compost with a neutral soil pH and plenty of drainage is preferable. Spider plants do tend to grow quickly and can become root bound, so make sure you repot your plant every year or two.

How do you propagate a spider plant?
are incredibly easy to propagate. It produces small white flowers on long vine-like stems, with “pups”, called spidettes, will soon appearing at the end of each stem.
Typically, it will produce several spidettes during the summer months, but they can be produced throughout the winter too.
Once your spidette looks well-established enough, simply cut it from the long stem at a node (that’s the brown nobbly bits!) and pot them straight into damp compost to root – there’s no need to place them in water first! If preferred, you can keep the spidette attached to the main spider plant until it has rooted.